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Many moons ago I used to jump on the underground train and go shopping in Camden Town and occasionally I worked there at Jim Henson's Creature shop and absolutely I loved it! The reggae music and smells of chestnuts roasting on corner streeets and incense burners in the market stalls, people dressed up in alternative clothing it's a town full of life and grit!

I love the idea of punk dogs and a border terrier has the perfect hair for styling a mohican,

although these days the underground is clean and well managed I wanted to create a rather raw edgy feel to my painting so I have used layers of marks and washes and drips to bring it to give it a rough painterly effect.

It has been created on a H40 x W30inch stretched canvas using pencils, crayons and acrylic paint then sealed and varnished with satins varnish.

This is truly a statement piece marking a time and place when self expression was at it's best.

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Camden Town

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